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Link love

Friday, 22 January 2016 by Irene Hoofs

Bloesem Living | The perfectly rumpled bed for Link Love

Something so comforting about a perfectly rumpled bed..

Whip up something easy for brunch tomorrow and listen to the soothing tinkle of these DIY wind chimes for a perfectly relaxing Saturday morning.

This print is not only going to complement your other artwork, but is great as a standalone too.

Bring the outdoors inside.

The black and white loft of dreams..

Give your cushions a fresh new look with a simple DIY using materials you can find lying around.

Sun's out! Have you found the perfect hat yet?

With this deck chair is how I'd like to welcome my weekends!

Our friend Hila has gone from being a student at our Tapestry Weaving class to starting a shop and studio of her own selling her handmade woven wall hangings! We can't be happier or more excited for her.. Wishing you the very best, Hila!

Xo, The Bloesem Team

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