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Catching up with Adinda De Boer

Thursday, 14 January 2016 by Irene Hoofs

Bloesem Living | Interview with Adinda De Boer

Coffee Shop in Seoul

Adinda of Wolves Table always gives us major travel envy with the stunning shots she takes capturing the essence of all the beautiful countries she visits! Some of you might have remembered her as our guest blogger from a couple of posts back about her trips to Taiwan and Japan.. And well this time, between her travels, we caught up with her for a chat where she dishes out all her travel tips, favourite cities and all its hidden gems to visit for the latest copy of the Bloesem Gazette.. Hear the rest of it here! 

Bloesem Living | Interview with Adinda De Boer

12 Apostles of the Great Ocean Road in Australia

Bloesem Living | Interview with Adinda De Boer

Nara Park in Japan where deer roam freely

What is your travel style? 

I prefer comfortable, almost baggy type of clothing when I'm traveling. I hate tight jeans or tight shirts when I need to be on a flight for at least 10 hours. That's why I like to wear a loose fit type of pants or stretchy leggings with a long t-shirt and a warm vest because it always gets so cold in the airplane. And comfy shoes with socks, sometimes also a large scarf to use as an extra blanket around my shoulders.

Us too! What are some items that make it to the packing list every time?

For any type of destination: my camera, my iPhone, bikini, warm sweater or vest because i'm always cold.

Tell us, what's in your carry-on for on the plane?

Eyedrops, bottle of water, ear plugs, neck cushion, face and hand cream, lip balm. I need to hydrate when in the plane because my skin and eyes get really dry.

Bloesem Living | Interview with Adinda De Boer

The cosy corner of a coffee shop in Seoul

What are your top 5 favourite cities?

Rotterdam: I studied and lived in Rotterdam for 4 years and most of my friends live there. It's an industrial city that has a constant developing creative scene. You need to know where to go and where not to go in R'dam but that's what makes it so interesting. A growing city that feels like home.

Berlin: the creative vibe, the artist scene, the possibilities for creative entrepreneurs, it's a huge city that is very interesting at the moment, good, non-expensive food and very inspirational. Also not (yet) expensive.

London: you can feel the history of the city while wandering the streets, the architecture, clubs, restaurants and antique markets make me wish I could move there. Christmas season is my favorite time to visit London.

Paris: do I need to explain? It's the most beautiful and romantic city in the world with the best pastry available. I love the passion for food in France.

New York: I studied for 6 months in NYC and loved every moment of it. It's fast paced and it felt like walking on a movie set all day. Central Park and Soho where my favorite places to hang. Today Brooklyn would be my first place to visit because of the Blackbirds pie shop I'm dying to visit.

And the most picturesque spots for you?

All of Japan, Santorini and Mykonos in Greece, French province and South of France (Cote d'azur), Capri and Positano in Italy and Australia.

Any places you haven't visited that's on your bucket list?

I would love to go to South Africa and Mexico one day. Alaska would be amazing too.

Bloesem Living | Interview with Adinda De Boer

Apostles rising up from the Southern Ocean on Victoria's dramatic coastline

What sparked your wanderlust?

I went on holidays when I was a child to many destinations close to home but also far away because a part of my family live in the US and in Asia. Traveling was a part of our lives. Today I'm bored quite easily if I don't go somewhere for a short or long trip. I enjoy new and strange environments from time to time. Exploring and experiencing new things is in my DNA.

Tips to preparing for a trip?

I use Pinterest and Instagram to look for interesting destinations. I create boards and pin all sorts of interesting images of the destination on the board. I enter relevant hashtags on Instagram to look for cool places. I also check my favorite blogs to see if that particular blogger went to my future travel destination. But to be honest i'm not much of a planner when I'm on vacation: I like to know some highlights I want to visit and let the rest come to me as I go.

Bloesem Living | Interview with Adinda De Boer

The careful hand of a Japanese Potter

Best tunes for a road trip?

New Radicals's You Get What You Give, Journey's Don't Stop Believin', Tracy Chapman's Fast Car, M83's Oblivion soundtrack, and Blink 182's I Miss You.

Trips can sometimes be quite exhausting, unfortunately. Any tips to relax while travelling?

Sleep in, don't plan too much, book a massage treatment, go for long walks in the forest or on the beach and try to leave your phone alone as much as possible (hard I know, but very relaxing).

Thanks for your contribution to our latest Gazette yet, Adinda!

All images via Adinda De Boer.

.. Adinda De Boer
.. Have you read Issue No. 5 of the Bloesem Gazette?

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