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Getting motivated: That extra push!

Wednesday, 17 June 2015 by Irene Hoofs

Bloesem living | Getting motivated

Remember the last issue of the Bloesem Gazette, Volume 3? The cover featured a down right motivational poster (a.k.a the Pushing Beauty Manifesto) we hung in the Bloesem studio for that extra push on slow days. I mean if you were thinking of taking a break or putting something off till tomorrow, but then you look up and see "Get on with it" in all caps, that's pretty good motivation I would say. The next best thing would be to have someone shout it at you, but that's just too much effort for both parties..

Michelle D'Avella is the designer of said motivational poster and other than pushing people to achieve their best, she's also pushing beauty - not literally but that's the name of webshop, where she does sell beautiful prints and healing tools. If you are feeling in need of a little something something, Michelle can help you to calm down or get inspired, whichever would best suit the situation you are in.

Bloesem living | Getting motivated


Wild life Print available in multiple colours.

.. Pushing Beauty 

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