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Class Alert : A to Z of web-based video publishing

Thursday, 24 April 2014 by Irene Hoofs


For a couple of years we have been talking online about how short video's would take over ... but so far not many peope have succeeded in creating good quality web videos (you can find the occasional amazing got-to-share-this-with-a-friend type video on vimeo or youtube) I myself would love to learn how to make such videos. As far as I know, my camera has a video function, so it's really just a matter of how to go about creating the short video, like the actual setting up of the camera, then the post-processing and editing of the clips I have recorded. 

So i'm thrilled Erin (who is coming to Singapore in May to teach two Bloesem classes about blogging and social media) is bringing her emmy-award winning husband, Kenneth, with her to Singapore so he can teach us the basics of web-based video publishing.

Kenneth Loechner is an Emmy-award winning (yes, it deserves being mentioned twice) filmmaker and editor currently living in the Midwest following a successful stint in Los Angeles working to shape the visual stories of internationally-acclaimed clients like Sony, Apple and Lucky Brand Jeans. Always willing to share his piece of the pie, he now teaches fellow creatives how to navigate film and video production to better communicate their passions.


Once you have attended Kenneth's class and are equipped with the basic film making skills, the possibilities will be endless. Whether filming product lookbooks for your shop or family videos for your blog, Ken Loechner will walk you through A to Z of web-based video publishing. Learn the right tools to purchase on a budget, how to produce and shoot your first film and smart tricks of the trade along the way. Designed to be hands-on, engaging and inspired, you'll come away from this 4-hour course ready to get behind the camera and share your point of view with the online world. 

If you currently have a camera setup you love, bring it along! There will be plenty of time for personal attention and personalized tips along the way.

A great class for everyone from students to business owners, videos are a great way to get your ideas and thoughts across. Zara told me that being a recent graduate herself, she remembers many of her classmates making videos for presentations because they were the best way to best represent what was going on in our minds. Actually speaking about your concept says alot, pictures as well, but a video, it can really convince!

(Also, making videos to show during presentations alleviated alot of the nerves we had for public speaking.)

Image Credit: Woodnote Photography

.. Bloesem Classes

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