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Inspired :: Herriott Grace

Wednesday, 13 June 2012 by Irene Hoofs


I realize that I am not the only one that has a huge crush on Nikole Herriott from Herriott Grace - I know I've mentioned her many times, but there is something truly authentic about Nikole that you don't always feel in this design loving everyone at each others heels world. A good percentage of that is due to her father, Lance. He brings that level of pure and genuine craftsmanship in character, as well as in skill, that pushes it all to the surface and makes you sit back and smile. You know what I mean? It is hard for me to explain, but you'll get it once you've viewed the sneak peek of Nikole's film about Herriott Grace (video clip above).


Nikole also started a series on her blog, called For the Love of Pie, which has become an instant favorite of mine...because who doesn't love a series that celebrates back to the basic pie making? That's just delicious. - Tiffany King

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