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Let's Talk Maps

Thursday, 26 January 2012 by Irene Hoofs


How much do you love these gorgeous map dresses by Annex? I think I have been watching too much House Hunters International because I am craving travel. When I think of picking up and moving my life to another country, that is the only time I sigh disappointingly about owning a house. I lived in England for a year while I was in college, but now that I am married - I think about how romantic it would be for us to live somewhere overseas for the heck of it.

Since that isn't possible for me (right now), I have found myself compensating in other ways...particularly with maps. There is just something so inspiring about them. They are a reminder of what you have done, and a promise of what you will do.


Love these My Roots Lie Here maps.


Keep it simple by hanging up your dream location with their famous landmarks as the focus.


Though I am sure most of you have seen these gorgeous maps here and here, I just couldn't resist including them.

Post by Tiffany

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