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Parool PS with Bloesem

Tuesday, 4 October 2011 by Irene Hoofs


Welcome to you, the new reader, who has found me via this article in Dutch newspaper, Het Parool. And thank you Maaike Schoon for the very kind words you have written about Bloesem and me. I was delighted to hear that you were going to write a story about design/living blogs and wanted to hear my opinion and background. The five other blogs you mentioned, Apartment therapy, design*sponge, Emmas blog, desire to inspire and the selby, are also big favorites of mine so happy to see them too. 


And how cool is that... Het Parool even used a picture of my home for the cover. Love seeing my vintage cabinet by German design label interlubcke and the design lamp by possibly Joe Colombo for Italian brand iGuzzini that I bought last year in the Netherlands in a vintage shop. I wish it is possible to still use my vintage Ericsson Cobra phone, probably the best phone design ever. 

Marjon Hoogervorst made the picture for the cover.


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