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KL Design Week 2011: Oh-and-Ah

Tuesday, 27 September 2011 by Irene Hoofs


Last week I visited the Kuala Lumpur design week 2011, which, unfortunately, I only heard of via twitter at the last minute... the organisation of the KL design week had not done much to promote this event...

BUT meeting some of the designers, crafters and artists who were showcasing their designs was very nice! I enjoyed talking to them and I'm so very happy to see there is a lively KL craft and design community... although they could use so much more help and support from the community. 


Today I would like to introduce you to a couple of the artists that I met last week. Starting with the five playful designers from Oh&Ah. They all have very different backgrounds and personalities, but their collection prints, accessories, t-shirts and collectibles fit perfectly together. 


The drawings on the concrete walls inside their booth were fantastic and of course I had to buy some brooches and cards. You can visit their website and shop right here.



..all images by Bloesem.

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