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New from snug. songbirds mobile

Monday, 30 May 2011 by Irene Hoofs


When Berit and Kerstin from snug studio send me an email about their new product: the songbirds mobile I knew imedeatly i wanted to start this week with showing you... the mobile is so sweet, but not too sweet, simple and fresh looking that I really love it. The little birds are all handmade from two coloured layers of wood and it is available right here in their dawanda shop.


snug. was founded 2010 by Kerstin Reileman, interiordesigner and Berit Luedecke, architect. In their small studio in Hannover, Germany they create new design-products inspired by  their own childhood memories. This is the greatest source of inspiration for them.

Snug_studio_01 Snug_studio_04 Snug_studio_05


Among jewellery and home products they recently developping more and more products for children like the snug.zoo breadboards or current the snug.songbirds mobile all made with natural materials such as wood and ceramic.


.. snug. website
.. snug. blog



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