Bloesem is part of the '100 Voices That Matter'
Perhaps this video explains it best...
Tina Roth Eisenberg aka Swiss-Miss was one of the 10 experts invited by SAY Media to compile a list of 10 voices in the category 'design' that she considers have an influence these days..., A list of voices that matter...and she says Bloesem is one of them ... yes that makes me smile :)
Why did SAY Media create this list: "The SAY 100 is a collection of authentic and knowledgeable online voices that create engaging content, drive conversation and shape opinion. At SAY Media we believe the power to shape opinion
Thank you Michael Sippey!
It was so nice to read what Tina said about Bloesem: "Every time I stop by her blog, I get lost in the beautiful imagery and am inspired to rearrange and declutter my home." and even more fun to see that she gave me an official Twitter hash-tag #iwanttogothere ...
are you already on Twitter, i love it more and more, for me much better than facebook and so much faster than emails... hope to see you there.
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