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Special Handmade issue from 101 Woonideeen

Friday, 19 November 2010 by Irene Hoofs


101woon2 101woonspecial  

Are you ready for the weekend? And are you ready for some fun DIY projects? I have started working on a beautiful patchwork blanket for our bed...of course images will follow soon...and i'm going to show this image to my husband and ask him if he could consider making the wooden box cabinet for us, according to the instructions it is very simple...so were do these great images coming from? I received an email from Monique van der Vlist and Jeske van Weel both working for the best crafting and decorating magazine from the Netherlands: 101 woonideeen...telling me about their special December project...to celebrate the Holiday Season the latest December issue comes with an extra little magazine called the 'handmade special' and I'm allowed to share some images with you...


The 'handmade issue' features 9 DIY projects from the following Dutch bloggers, AnjaHester en JantienMartineHydiIngridPetra en MarijkeBjørkeJurianne en Maurille.


You can find the instructions for the Paper Tree Cake toppers here in dutch and here in English...do you reconise Jurianne's signature on the pattern :)

...so if you would like to receive the whole booklet you have to try and get the December issue of 101-woonideeen or follow their blog and see all the nine different projects passing by .... have fun creating!

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