Guest Post by Silvia Pilger ...Red Velvet
*Guest post by Silvia Pilger
Elsie Flannigan is the lady behind Red Velvet and when I met Elsie, 7 years ago, she was a typical American girl next door in my opinion. I was visiting her workshop about scrapbooking for an article that I had to write. She introduced me to the world of blogging, as she was then already an experienced blogger. Elsie is not your girl next door anymore.
This busy bee has evolved into a true artist. Her onlineshop Red Velvet is pure eye candy itself. There you can buy her art, handpicked vintage home decor and fashion and many crafty classes that everybody in the entire world can attend online. While blogging about her life she's become a true icon of style for many women around the globe. This all gave her a publication in the newest issue of Bust magazine where she's featured in the "Fashion + Booty Looks Column".
Thank You Silvia!
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