Let's Get Personal in Sweden with Cina Kjellsson from Camp Cirrus
DesignHome Camp Cirrus unRaveled :: answers by Cina Kjellsson
S:: Swedish is... to enjoy and live with the seasons and their moods...
W:: walls in my home are covered with... white, white, white. but we are planning for some colour and flowers!
E:: entrance, when entering my home you will notice ... sometimes space and tranquillity, sometimes lots of Lego... always the beautiful light and Morris the dog barking.
D:: do-it-yourself projects I have done are... painting the chest of drawers in the children´s room and planning, digging and planting the garden...
I:: if I could live in a different place or home, it would be... sharing time between real city life and a cottage in the woods
S:: snack, my favourite Swedish snack is... fresh strawberries from our own garden!
H:: home means to me... a place to reload
H:: hobby, I always make time for... cooking a nice meal
O:: outfit, my favourite thing to wear is... something comfortable yet good looking. I look for nice colours, nice patterns and nice details in clothing.
M:: magazines I love to read are... (online also possible)... too many according to my husband, piles of them everywhere...“the world of interiors” is a favourite of mine.
E:: enjoy, I can't live without... friends, good books and the sea!
...................Thank You Cina...................
'A new Swedish design company with a great personality'...that's how Cina the founder of Camp Cirrus describes her home accessories label. If you like to add some colour and style to everyday life with a Scandinavian feel you probably like these designs very much...well I certainly do :) For Cina details are very important and that is one of the reasons that the pillowcases and bags are hand printed and are manufactured in Sweden. Just click her for Camp Cirrus' online shop.
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