Let's Get Personal in Maastricht with Valentin Loellmann
DesignHome unRaveled :: answers by Valentin Loellmann
D:: Dutch is ...
a land I came by chance at the time, without noticing that it would become a place i feel home.
E:: entrance, when entering my home you will notice...
that there are plants everywhere. I love to go to the florist.
S:: style, means...
Personality and simplicity
I:: interesting places in my city, Maastricht, are...
the old quarter alongside the park and the countryside across the border in Belgium.
G:: gardening is something I...
always wanted to make for a living when i was young and it can still make me very happy
N:: new, in my home is...
an old gustavian sofa i found at the side of the road in liege
H:: hobby, I always make time for...
to drive to the countryside.
O:: outfit, my favorite thing to wear is...
M:: magazines I love to read are...
those with lots of images
E:: enjoy, I can't live without...
changing my environment from time to time
.....................Thank You Valentin.....................
To be honest I wasn't familiar with Valentin's beautiful design pieces until he started sending me images of his work a while ago and I saw how unique his designs are...it's more a combinations of art and design I believe...my absolute favorite are these Paperclay lamps. I love everything about them and hope one day one of them will be hanging in our own home.
The image above is a furniture piece from his 'M&Mme valentin collection' ...told you looks like art doesn't it? Please click here to visit his website and send him an email if you have any questions. (images are made by his older brother jonas)
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