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Let's Get Personal in Toronto at the Marion House...

Monday, 7 June 2010 by Irene Hoofs


DesignHome the Marion House unRaveled :: answers by Emma Reddington


C:: Canadian is...
wide open landscape, driving for miles and miles, swimming in lakes, living with each other, skiing down mountains, wearing toques, eating pancakes with maple syrup.


A:: art in my home is from...
places we have travelled, photography my husband has taken, people we admire.


N:: (my) neighborhood is…
where I live because I can walk to everything I need. I never have to leave it if I don’t want to.


A:: addiction... of mine is...
chocolate and information.


D:: do-it-yourself projects I have done are...
the chalkboard door in my kitchen.


I:: interesting places in my city are...
the neighbourhoods, I love looking at houses. The R.C. Harris Water Treatment Plant (read Ondaatje’s In the Skin of a Lion), Terroni restaurant.


A:: appetizer, my favorite is...


N:: new in my home is...
kilim rugs from morocco that I picked up at a local antique market, an old plant box from the city of Toronto, vintage red wagon with “Henry Express” written on the side.

H:: hobby, I always make time for...
food and walks.


O:: outfit, my favorite thing to wear is...
usually the latest thing I have bought and a Virginia Johnson scarf.
M:: magazines, I love to browse... (online also possible)
i’ll read anything that is in front of me.


E:: enjoy, I can't live without...
My husband and son, my family and friends, good food and a good read.

...............Thank You Emma from the Marion House...............

A little while back I showed this kitchen on Bloesem and ever since I keep coming back to Emma's great blog. What I particularly like is the 'hello!neighbour' feature where Emma visits her neighbours in her town Toronto and shares their homes with us...


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