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Anisa reporting from Portland about Carson Ellis

Monday, 7 July 2008 by Irene Hoofs

And, here's a little article on Anisa's favorite portland artist Carson Ellis...The artist who is my very favorite in Portland is Carson Ellis.  Her work has a mystical quirkeyness of days gone by.  For me no other artist screams Portland, Oregon as much as Carson Ellis.  Here, it's rumored if you sleep with your windows open, the blackberries will grown right into your house, Carson's work is seeped in iconic Pacific Northwest themes, there's knoodling with big foot, pioneers, and explorers ships, all done in the muted color pallette that feels like a gray rainey Portland day. As the wife of Colin Meloy, singer for The Decemberists.  Carson began by making flyers in college for Colin's band.  She has went on to illustrate beautiful cover, after cover for the Decemberists.   These days Carson still creates flyers for many local bands and events, it's always a treat for me to discover one of her posters around town. {thank you Anisa for introducing us to Carson's beautiful work}

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