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Thursday, 29 November 2007 by Irene Hoofs

{Designer clothing for kids by Buisjes&Beugels+++}
With the shopping season in mind I thought I write about some great children clothing brands today. I always think that clothes makes such a nice gift (…i know it is a little bit boring for the children, they rather see some real toys) but as a mother I truly appreciate it when my mom sends over some beautiful t-shirts for Lode and I wouldn’t mind receiving one piece of the great childrens collection by Buisjes&Beugels from the Netherlands.
Or how about giving one of these handknitted pieces by Angelique Roelofsen from her label BENK.
Great clothes from MishaLulu with great graphics for the t-shirts made by the owner, Karen from El Salvador herself.
{Baby kimono's from Lucky Wang}
Carina Scott not only is the writer of the great blog and online shop NonchalantMom she also brings you these wonderful products from her other label Lucky Wang. I'm in love with these baby blankets, maybe it has to do with my living here in Asia...I truly admire how Lucky Wang has melted the Asian and Western influences so nicely in these baby clothes and products. Click here for the shop and website.

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